Funny how things turn out sometimes. Especially when you decide to look after the people around you more. I can be quite an elusive friend sometimes because I always feel like I don't have time to give to people, but recently I have been changing that alot, and spending time with people and just taking notice of them, and obviously it started with my brother and that was wonderful. Yesterday was weird it took lots of courage because I have a friend who needed help. I wasn't sure how the 'help' was going to happen but it turned out OK, I decided to take action and then really had to have some time to take it in. I was OK, and thanks so much for the lovely comments/emails, I smiled every time they came in, and knew I was getting good vibes, and I really needed them, so much :-), the situation couldn't have turned out better, it was exactly what I had chanted for, it will be an ongoing situation, but I feel like I can contribute to the best of my ability.
So I spent the rest of the afternoon just taking stock of what happened in the morning went to lunch with a dear friend, got home and cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned, and then I watched TV and spun yarn. I haven't had an afternoon/eve like that since I can remember, not for a few years anyway. I even dusted between my radiators, washed the skirting boards, tidies shelves that hadn't been touched since Anth lived here, I suppose it was symbolic of changes, of growing. I'm a bit philosophical today, lol!
So I also decided that I seeing as I always knit my yarns, I would interject them with fun projects too, because it puts a strain on your knitting Mojo to have to knit for work, and so I decided to knit all the gorgeous yarns I have. So this is my 'taking on a car/train/bus project': its just a simple feather and fan in Koigu that I purchased in the USA:
This is hand spun by babylonglegs, if you fancy something yummy and fun, I totally recommend this hand spun, its soft, even, and stripes in the most gorgeous way, I am very very in love with this yarn, she is a truly talented spinner, and a sweetie pie to go with it, I am making a tank top......this is my mindless thing I can knit anywhere:
This yarn inspired me to spin, I managed to fix my wheel, and this is the result, its not great, little bit uneven, but I like it:
Its the scrumptious blend in Leprechaun.
I need to spin the rest up, and then I think I'll make a hat.
And then maybe once these are finished or when I just feel like casting on, here are two of the skeins I got from the USA, I have 3 Tilly Thomas disco lights (the one on the left) and 2 of the bamboo yarn on the right. I have enough of each for some pretty tank tops. I do have a pattern, but does anyone know of anything really really cute I could make, suggestions would be gratefully received, especially seeing as its not everyday you have 3 skeins of Tillie Thomas, lol.
Ooh...that yarn really is knitting up beautifully :)
Thankyou for your kind words..... **big hug**
Glad you are feeling a little better.....
S xXx
Posted by: Babylonglegs | August 28, 2008 at 14:02
I am so glad you are ok! Thank you for your email! I love the Tilli Tomas yarn! I have 4 skeins of Tilli Tomas Pure and Simple in Burnt Olive and 2 of Rock Star in Burnt Olive, I am knitting this:
Enjoy knitting with it! :)
Posted by: Debs | August 28, 2008 at 13:42
Your friend is lucky to have you and I'm glad it worked out.
Good to see you're having fun with knitting. mmmm tilli thomas. Is it a much cheaper in the US?
Posted by: Abi | August 28, 2008 at 12:30
or from Sensual Knits
Posted by: Elly | August 28, 2008 at 12:09
Hm, what about
or and there's some nice ones on ravelry... of course I can't find the one that I liked the other day...
Posted by: Elly | August 28, 2008 at 12:05
Glad your ok Jen, havent had the best of weeks here either so I can relate!
Would you have enough to make a sleeveless version of one of the stichdiva patterns like Sahara?
Posted by: Cairi | August 28, 2008 at 11:46