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August 28, 2008



Ooh...that yarn really is knitting up beautifully :)
Thankyou for your kind words..... **big hug**
Glad you are feeling a little better.....
S xXx


I am so glad you are ok! Thank you for your email! I love the Tilli Tomas yarn! I have 4 skeins of Tilli Tomas Pure and Simple in Burnt Olive and 2 of Rock Star in Burnt Olive, I am knitting this: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/simple-knitted-bodice
Enjoy knitting with it! :)


Your friend is lucky to have you and I'm glad it worked out.

Good to see you're having fun with knitting. mmmm tilli thomas. Is it a much cheaper in the US?


or http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/lace-panel-camisole from Sensual Knits


Hm, what about
or http://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer08/PATTshetlandshorty.html and there's some nice ones on ravelry... of course I can't find the one that I liked the other day...


Glad your ok Jen, havent had the best of weeks here either so I can relate!

Would you have enough to make a sleeveless version of one of the stichdiva patterns like Sahara?

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